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100% Amazon Compliant Smart Funnel - How It Works

Our smart funnel system is designed to help you engage with your customers and build your email list through a series of interactive steps. The process begins with you creating a campaign promotion in your dashboard, where your customers can redeem a free gift with their product purchase.

With your campaign is set up, you can download the unique QR Code and print it on your product insert card. When customers purchase your products, they can scan the unique QR code on the product insert card to enter your smart funnel to redeem their free gift.

You can optionally create campaigns without a promotion. These promotions are optimized to collect reviews only and a free gift is not offered.

Once in the smart funnel, your customers are prompted to enter their contact information to redeem their free gift. The key to the smart funnel system is based the product feedback rating your customers can leave. Depending on their feedback rating, the smart funnel will direct them to leave a review on your Amazon product detail page if their feedback rating is high (Very Satisfied). If their feedback rating is not very satisfied, the smart funnel will not direct your customers to leave their feedback on your Amazon product detail page. Their feedback will only be recorded for your internal use.

You can view a Demo Campaign to see this in action.

The smart funnel system is 100% Amazon compliant:

  • The smart funnel never incentives reviews
  • The smart funnel doesn't explicitly request only positive reviews
  • Your customers will always receive their free gift, regardless of their feedback rating
  • The smart funnel does not circumvent Amazon's product purchasing workflow

This 100% Amazon compliant smart funnel collects your customers' contact information, allowing you to build your own email list for future marketing campaigns and increase your product review ratings, ultimately leading to more sales.


Each campaign has it's own unique smart funnel. For each campaign, you have the option to link one promotion or collect reviews only. You can also link different groups of your products to different campaigns to offer different promotions for your differnt marketing strategies.

You can choose between two campaign strategies.

Option 1: Promotions Strategy

These campaigns are associated to one promotion and you can include multiple products to each campaign. Customers can redeem your free gift and our smart funnel will collect their information and product review.

Before creating a Promotions campaign, the following is required:

  • You must have added at least one product. Refer to the Adding Products section for details.
  • You must have created at least one promotion. Refer to the Creating Promotions section for details.

Option 2: Reviews Strategy

These campaigns are optimized to gather reviews from your customers, a promotion is not required.

* Campaign strategies can not be changed

Creating a Campaign

Step 1: From the main menu and select Campaigns.

Step 2: Click on the +Campaign button. Fill in the campaign details in the form:

  • Campaign Name: Enter a name for the campaign. Only you will see this.
  • Campaign Strategy: Choose the strategy for this campaign. The strategy can not be changed.
  • Promotion: Select the promotion you want to associate with this campaign from the dropdown menu.
  • Marketplaces: Select the marketplaces available in the campaign. Your customers will select the marketplace from where they purchased your product. This will be used to redirect your customers to the correct Amazon marketplace to leave a product review.
  • Product: Select the product(s) you want to promote in this campaign from the dropdown menu. Available marketplaces should match where you are selling these products.
  • Brand Logo: Add your Brand Logo to be displayed on your smart funnels. This will remove the ReviewScanGo branding.
  • Brand Name: Add your Brand name to be displayed on your smart funnels. This will remove the ReviewScanGo branding.
  • Brand Website URL: Your brand website URL. If you provide your brand logo and/or brand name, customers can click on them to visit your website.
  • Customer Must Leave a Review: Do you require the customer to leave a review. If required, the customer can not complete the funnel without leaving a review. Leaving their review on your Amazon product detail page is never required.
  • Review Minimum Character Length: The minimum length of the review your customer must leave
  • Disable Smart Reviews: Enabled by default. Disabling this feature will always request your customer to share their review on your Amazon product detail page regardless of their feedback rating.
  • Is Active: Check this box to make the campaign active.

Once all the required fields are complete, click Submit to save the campaign.

Step 3: Download QR Code

Once you've saved the campaign, a unique QR code is automatically generated for the campaign funnel. Download and print this campaign on your product insert cards.

*Note: Each QR Code is unique to the specific campaign

You can preview the funnel by clicking on the Preview link or you can test the campaign funnel by scanning the auto generated QR code

Additional Notes

Campaign Status: Campaigns are Inactive by default. When you're ready for customers to use your smart funnel, change the campaign status to Active.

Campaign Preview: By clicking the Preview option, you can see a preview of your campaigns to see what your customers will see when they visit your smart funnel. Preview Mode is visible in Active and Inactive status. Information entered in Preview Mode is not saved.

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Adding Products

Add products that you sell on Amazon. You can link your products to multiple campaigns for your different marketing strategies.

Step 1: From the main menu and select Products.

Step 2: Click on the +Product button. Fill in the product details in the form:

  • Product Name: Enter the name of your product. This will be displayed in the smart funnel.
  • ASIN: Enter the products ASIN. This is the unique product identifier. It has 10-digits and starts with B0. This will be used to direct your customer to the correct Amazon product review page.
  • Product Image: Upload high-quality image of the product. This will be displayed in the smart funnel.

Once all the required fields are filled, click Submit to save the product.

Video Tutorial

Creating Promotions

Create promotions for your various marketing strategies. You can link each promotion to multiple campaigns.

Step 1: From the main menu, select Promotions.

Step 2: Click on the +Promotion button. Fill in the promotion details in the form:

  • Promotion Name: Enter a name for the promotion. This will be displayed in the smart funnel.
  • Promotion Image: Upload high-quality image that represents your promotion. This will be displayed in the smart funnel.
  • Promotion Type: Choose the type of promotion (ie: Gift Card, Discount Code, Free Product, Digital Download)
  • Description: Provide a description of the promotion. This will be displayed in the smart funnel.
  • Delivery Method: Choose if the promotion will emailed or shipped to your customer.
  • Code Type: Select the type of discount code (ie: Same code for every customer or every customer will get a unique code)
  • Coupon Code: If everyone gets the same code, enter the coupon code.
  • Coupon Codes List: If every customer gets a unique code, enter the list of coupon codes. Physical and digital gift cards will have a unique card number and PIN. Some cards such as VISA or Mastercard gift cards may also have an expiration date. Enter each cards details in the list. Amazon promotions will only be a unique code. Each time a customer makes a redemption, details for a code from this list will be delivered to the customer and removed from the list.
  • Delivery Method: Select if the promotion will be digitally delivered such as a coupon code or file download or physically shipped such as a free product.
  • Approval Method: Select if redemptions are manually approved or automatically approved and delivered upon completion of redemption. If manually approved, you must approve each redemption before your customers will receive the free gift.

Once all the required fields are filled, click Submit to save the promotion.

Video Tutorial

Gift Cards, Promotions and Free Gifts

Physical gift cards can be purchased online or from your local retail store. Virtual gift cards can be purchased online. One option for promotions is to create them through your Amazon Seller Central account, you can find more information here.

If you are offering free gifts such as a free bonus product that you sell on Amazon, you can either ship the item to your customers yourself or if the product is being fulfilled by FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon), then you can ship a unit directly from your Amazon inventory by creating a removal order.

Claims Center

On your claim center dashboard, you can review all of your customers redemptions. You can view their contact details, product purchase, order number, feedback, as well as if they were redirected to your Amazon product detail page.

You can manually verify their product purchase and process their claims to deliver their free gift.

You can also see a summary and metrics of your campaigns performance.

Clicking on the customers name will display their contact details as well as a list of their claims history.

Click on the edit button to view details of the specific claim. You can view the status of the claim and any actions that are required.

With digital promotions, you have the option to manually deliver the promotion clicking the Delivery button. This will automatically send your customer the digital product by email.

With physical promotions, your customers mailing address will be displayed so you can ship the product to them.

Once the claim has been verified and delivered, you can mark the claim as processed by clicking on the "Mark as Processed" button. You'll be able to see the status of when the claim was processed and what was delivered to your customer.

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